Me (william keeley) and Shane (Kenna) started this business in 2024 after recognizing Salt Lake City as one of the biggest sauna deserts in America. We yearned to get super sweaty but there were no facilities in our wonderful city. As natural businessmen, we decided to corner the market.
Me and Shane are really smart. So we know you hate spending money, that’s why our sauna is only $5! 5 is one of the smallest numbers, relatively, so it’s not a lot of money at all. We also offer a monthly membership for $20 a month.
We offer a relaxing, sweaty, and local experience with the aura of a small-town dive bar mixed with a private chateau in the Alps. The wood-burning stove in the sauna tent reaches temps of 200 degrees Fahrenheit and also gets really hot in Celsius aswell. Oh, it smells wonderful too.
The intimate nature of the quaint sauna lends itself to friendship. There are never more than 4 other people in the sauna with you, and no nerds. ever.